On 01.02.2016 20:22, Luchesar V. ILIEV wrote:
> Blame it on my FreeBSD past (and part present), but I actually prefer
> the short generic name to be used for discussions (i.e. arch-mirrors@),
> while the announcements-only list to be named accordingly (e.g.
> arch-mirrors-announce@). This would perhaps also be more in line with
> the general AL announcements list, arch-announce@.
Good point. I'll do that.
> Admittedly, three separate lists for an already quite a low traffic one
> is an overkill, but on the other hand there would be a good separation
> between the different types of messages with their different urgency.
We don't care about the list count so I'll probably go with this. We
really have 3 pretty distinct types of traffic here so we should just
separate them properly.
I did see Daniel's reply about only having one list, but I feel that we
should have a list for discussion. We also definitively need a list for
Arch Linux staff to reach all mirror admins so 3 lists seems like the
best way to go.
> _______________________________________________
> arch-mirrors mailing list
> arch-mirrors@archlinux.org
I'll also get rid of this footer because it is really annoying and none
of our other lists have it. It also breaks DKIM signatures and I also
think about dropping the subject prefix for this reason. That discussion
will happen at a later date though.