Hello, I would like to "give back to the community" by maintaining a mirror. I work for the largest hosting provider in a country, we have a tier III data center and a lot of resources that I could use. Also, I've filled feature request: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/50726?events%5B0%5D=1&fromdate=2016-09-10&todate=2016-09-10&event_number=20&project=1&submit= Mirror domain name: arch.Relevant.lt Geographical location of the mirror (country): Lithuania URLs for supported access methods http://arch.relevant.lt/ <http://arch.relevant.lt/> Your mirror's available bandwidth: 400 mbps for now, can go up to 1000mbps if there would be an need. An administrative contact email aivaras@kivilius.lt sync from: rsync://mirror.onet.pl/pub/mirrors/archlinux/ Server is running on HP DL360G9 openVZ visualized container: 120GB of disk space; 2GB of ram; 2vCores. I can adjust all the parameters if I there would be a need. Server itself is located in Tier III data center ( http://blogas.iv.lt/2015/12/15/naujas-duomenu-centras-vilniuje/). ------------------------ Aivaras Kivilius aivaras@kivilius.lt