3 May
3 May
11:10 a.m.
On 05/03/2011 06:10 AM, Thomas Misilo wrote:
Good Evening,
I just wanted to make sure this was the best command to be using, as I noticed I get email errors that I have hit the max delete limit, which I found at "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:NewMirrors"
su -user -c "rsync -rtlqH --no-motd --delete-after --delay-updates \ --safe-links --max-delete=1000 rsync://rsync.gtlib.gatech.edu/archlinux\ /path/archlinux"
Thanks in advanced!
just drop that max-delete option. usually we don't hit that high number and happens only when major releases like gnome/kde or when big rebuilds are moved. -- IonuČ›