
now rsyncing is restarted now.

2010/4/11 Ionut Biru <biru.ionut@gmail.com>
On 04/11/2010 05:27 AM, ideal wrote:

I am sorry that our mirror is out-dated, I know that problem, this is
because the disk space is not enough now since we want to mirror all
architecture of debian and ubuntu, but we will add 2T more space this
week, and syncing will be continued.

I will subcribe to that mailing-list.*


no problem. thank you

2010/4/11 Ionut Biru <ibiru@archlinux.org <mailto:ibiru@archlinux.org>>

   i'm contacting on behalf of arch linux developers.
   Your emails is listed on the contact list for mirror
   http://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/archlinux/ and
   http://mirror6.bjtu.edu.cn/archlinux/. We noticed that the mirror
   was last synced in 6 march 2010.

   You have problems syncing?
   Also i want to inform that now we have a dedicated list for admins
   for mirrors in which they can talk with us and inform on every
   issues or discussion on how can we improve mirroring.



ideal Shang
a student at bjtu
homepage: http://dev.bjtu.edu.cn/~ideal