Dear mirror operators and contributors to the RFC 29[1], we would like to thank you for the participation in the process of writing this text. We worked on this topic enthusiastically in the hopes to not only improve our own workflows, but also provide mirror operators with a more streamlined workflow as well. Following the theme of the last Arch Summit, we had a lot of ideas that we wanted to include. We acknowledge, that our writing is in part scattered and covers a large set of topics, which may have been too spread out for one RFC. Furthermore we left out a lot of the reasoning and motivation that are crucial to follow the intent of the proposed changes. Therefore we are grateful for the diverse feedback on this RFC [1], which already helped us a great deal to shape the text. We realize, that the text still suffers from poor wording and too many topics that are not properly formalized. This has led to miscommunication and annoyances, that we would like to circumvent going forward. We understand that misunderstandings have led to resentment for some contributors and for this we apologize. Please bear with us until we have reworked the text according to the received feedback. Going forward we want to improve on the general introduction to the topic and revisit the mirror specification format. We will drop mirror requirements, the identity proof concept, as well as other not well-defined topics. We recognize that the proposed tier changes may have been taken as a form of penalty, therefore we will improve on wording and rephrase the tier model as well. In addition, we recognize that the topic introduced in RFC 35[2] is not well received and not worth pursuing. We will close that RFC and explore security concepts at a later stage and with a different approach. Again, we thank you all for your participation and hope to discuss our reworked document with you in the near future. @pitastrudl, @wahrwolf and @torxed [1]: [2]: