I've just noticed something.... strange?I manage this mirror: https://archlinux.org/mirrors/librelabucm.org/And I've just noticed that this other mirror: https://archlinux.org/mirrors/mirrors.marquitos.space/Is actually just a reverse proxy to ours.
We are sure about this:* If I temporarily create a file in our mirror folder, it is also shown on their end, instantly* Every time I go to "https://mirrors.marquitos.space/archlinux/", I see in our server logs a request coming from the same IP as the one "mirrors.marquitos.space" resolves to.
We've seen that aprox 1/10 of the requests we are receiving in our mirror come from this IP.I've added a temporary rule to enable their IP in our firewall, so they are not blocked, so if someone is using their mirror, it's still working.
I found his email address online, so I'm going to send him an email to ask him about it.
So.....* Was there any official request to add that mirror to the list?* Is there any reason/benefit to offering a mirror as a reverse proxy to other mirror?(I've checked, they are not caching files)
Thank you,Pablo
Seems there was an official request which was completed:
https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/77618. Sometimes it happens that
T2 mirrors sync from other T2 mirrors which is not really up to
the idea of a tier-ing scheme and can show slower update times and
this reverse proxying is peculiar (usually you use rsync for that)
From my personal perspective I don't see any benefits as it can
cause more issues since there are two parties involved especially
when the other is not aware of it. Also if the mirrors are not
geographically close to each other it can increase latency for the
user without them knowing why.
Best regards,
Arch Mirror team