On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 05:47:47PM +0100, Carsten Otto wrote:
However, I don't really like mixing up the discussion and the mirror-admin-to-AL-admin cases. In the first case some kind of subscription is quite OK, but in the second case I as a mirror admin don't see the advantage of subscribing and changing settings. Furthermore, there seem to be issues if such mails are sent out to more projects as AL (awaiting moderation because list is only mentioned in BCC?). I'd strongly prefer a pure mail address where anyone (including spammers) send send to, and AL admins read those mails.
Just to avoid confusion: the AL setup did not expose any such issue, but my last "big" mail had/has troubles reaching the intended lists/project admins because of this. -- Dr. Carsten Otto http://verify.rwth-aachen.de/otto/