On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 4:35 PM, André Vitor de Lima Matos <andrematos@las.ic.unicamp.br> wrote:
Em 08-04-2013 18:32, Dan McGee escreveu:
We did move rsync.archlinux.org to being hosted on a different server a few months back, so this is the more likely reason why things got slower. We have noted that traffic is handled at acceptable rates with HTTP, but raw TCP sockets using socat and rsync have notably reduced performance from certain locations.
Thanks for your reply, Dan, but what I should do to avoid a tier1 outdated?
How are things looking today? We found an issue with some Path MTU responses or something getting lost, causing TCP connections to constantly scale back. We've temporarily dropped the MTU on our host machine from 1500 to 1470 which has yielded much faster performance in our testing over the last 12 hours. Let me know if you're seeing the same. -Dan