Hi, Some admins have told me that they are not interested in traffic regarding other mirrors. I tried to keep such traffic away from the mailing list, but I have the feeling that it would probably be better to simply split the list. I propose the following two lists: - arch-mirrors: List that mirror admins should subscribe to. This will only accept mails from Arch Linux staff and will only be used if we need to contact all mirror admins. - arch-mirrors-discussion: General discussion list. Our users might be subscribed here. Mirror admins can use it to send mail regarding downtime or user facing changes. They will either be whitelisted or can subscribe and disable receiving mail (it's in the mailman user settings). This should move approximately all of our current traffic on arch-mirrors to arch-mirrors-discussion, so mirror admins should get less boring mails. I am unsure if I should also split general discussion from downtime announcements, but it looks like there hardly was discussion in the past. Given I do not know who actually reads this list and what they would like to see here, any feedback (from mirror admins or users) is welcome. I plan to implement these changes next week or once the discussion is over. Florian