Dear Nils, Thank You. That was the site I saw before, but I have no idea about what to rsync, a bit more detailed example would be nice. So, like, first step is to rsync an existing mirror, then make it available thru ftp/http/etc protocols, then submit a ticket to get new mirror listed. Gergely 2017. május 22. 12:55, "Nils Czernia" <> írta:
Hi Gergely,
please look at this Wiki page DeveloperWiki:NewMirrors
There will you find all informations you need!
Greetings Nils
Am Montag, 22. Mai 2017, 12:44:57 CEST schrieb Csépányi-B. Gergely:
Dear Members!
First, sorry for my poor english, it's not my primary language. Yesterday I have noticed that our one and only hungarian mirror is down.
So I would like to create a new mirror, I have enough bandwidth, space,
own servers.
What's the first step, how to rsync a mirror? I went thru the NewMirrors wiki, but I have no idea where to start.