[arch-mirrors] New mirror
Hi, we would like to be an authorized mirror of archlinux Mirror domain name : mirror.lagoon.nc Geographical location of the mirror : Noumea, NC, Oceania Supported access methods (http, ftp, rsync, ...) : http,ftp,rsync URLs for the above access methods : (http/ftp/rsync)://mirror.lagoon.nc/pub/archlinux/ The name of tier 1 mirror you are syncing from, which should be one of this: aarnet.edu.au (Australia) - rsync://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/archlinux/<rsync://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/archlinux/> An administrative contact email : tech@offratel.net<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=tech@offratel.net> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/39072 Regards. [www.lagoon.nc] Sébastien CLEMENCEAU Ingénieur Systèmes & Réseaux Ligne directe : (687) 28.88.99 Standard : (687) 28.88.99 - VoIP : - Fax : (687) 28.88.80 Hotline : 36.67.03 (12 XPF / 11 s) - VoIP : Contact Sebastien.Clemenceau@offratel.net<mailto:Sebastien.Clemenceau@offratel.net> OFFRATEL, SNC.<http://www.lagoon.nc> [http://lagoon.nc/Content/images/mails/recycle.jpg] N'imprimez ce message que si nécessaire, pensez à l'environnement [http://lagoon.nc/Content/images/mails/recycle.jpg] Do not print this message unless it is necessary, consider the environment. ------------------------------------ N° RIDET : 482422001 | RCS : NOUMEA 97 B 482 422 (97B1581)SIEGE SOCIAL situé au 1 Rue du Contre Amiral Joseph Bouzet, Nouville, 98800 Noumea
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