On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 15:24 +0200, Heiko Baums wrote:
Am Sun, 05 Sep 2010 20:42:00 +0800 schrieb Ng Oon-Ee <ngoonee@gmail.com>:
If you use 'reply' instead of 'reply-to-list' doesn't the list header get deleted from your mail? That messes up the reply settings in some clients (thunderbird and evolution).
I don't know what Thunderbird is doing, because I'm not using it, but with every other e-mail client I know 'reply' is working the way it is supposed to, means the e-mails are sent to the mailing list and only to the mailing list.
I mainly used kmail in the past and am currently using claws-mail, and I always answer to mailing lists with the 'reply' button. Just look at the headers of my e-mails in the mailing lists. I think they aren't messed up.
So if the 'reply' button doesn't work correctly in Thunderbird I'd suggest filing a bug report to Mozilla upstream.
Some mail clients (Thunderbird and Evolution that I know off) have a separate 'reply' button which replies to the sender (not to the list) and 'reply to list' button which replies to the list. What you're talking about is a generic 'reply' button which works as 'reply-to-list' when the email is from a mailing list. The problem with that is that actually replying personally to the sender you're replying to is made impossible from the main UI. Evolution's ML had a discussion on this sometime back. Some MLs fudge this (arch-multilib as well) by munging a 'reply-to'. This has the side-effect that if the sender has his own 'reply-to', its overwritten and thus recipients who want to contact the sender privately use the 'wrong' email address. I'm used to just using 'Ctrl-L' when reading mailing lists, anyway.