On 16 October 2012 23:19, Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Am 16.10.2012 17:14, schrieb Rashif Ray Rahman:
> Hi guys
> I'd like user 'speps' to help me maintain a couple of packages in the
> repo since he's a multilib user (and I'm not). He has been TU for a few
> months already so he's good to go. He has also participated in a
> discussion here before [1]. So it'd be great if you could grant him
> multilib access. Thanks.
> [1] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-multilib/2011-December/000251.html


Please announce any newly added multilib packages on this mailing list.
This policy seems to have been ignored a lot recently.

arch-multilib mailing list

Of course, I'll double-forward that message to him. So far there has been no new packages on my part.
