Hello, I used the aspell-en pkgbuild from abs on arch 32bit and add makedepends=('which') The package compiles and works fine as far as I can tell. PKGBUILD: -------------------- # Arch64 # $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.12 2005/06/18 23:12:47 simo Exp $ # Maintainer: Simo Leone <simo@archlinux.org> # Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarah@archlinux.org> # MSG43 Add mkaedepends pkgname=aspell-en pkgver=6.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="English dictionary for aspell" makedepends=('which') depends=('aspell') url="http://aspell.net/" source=(ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/en/aspell6-en-$pkgver-0.tar.bz2) md5sums=('16449e0a266e1ecc526b2f3cd39d4bc2') build() { cd $startdir/src/aspell6-en-$pkgver-0 ./configure /usr/bin/make || return 1 /usr/bin/make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install } -- Matthew | Website http://msg43.net | AIM: MSG431 | MSN + Gmail: MSG431@gmail.com