well, i still don't have access to a testing repo on archlinux.org. so i use the old one from arch64.org for testing this major upgrade. http://arch64.org/packages/testing/ bin86 binutils gcc glibc kernel-headers libstdc++5 Most important change: we move our libs from /lib64 and /usr/lib64 to /lib and /usr/lib. We also remove the old symlinks. It was really tricky to get pacman do this update. I have tested as much as possible and at least it worked well here on my system. But be warned: if the update fails you will probably loose the ability to make a rollback. Without a working glibc you can only load static binaries. So i suggest to leave open a root instance of "mc" and Gaim/Xchat. When the Update fails use "mc" to copy or rename the lib path to lib64 and create the old symlinks. So watch the structure carefully before updating. If anybody wants to see the pkgbuilds or *.install files let me know. So good luck to everybody. Hope to get positive reports so we can soon move the updates together with arch32 to current. AndyRTR