Il giorno Wed, 9 May 2007 20:34:50 +0300 "Roman Kyrylych" <> ha scritto:
Hmm, I cannot find such text anywhere. Where did you read this?
In fact, in order to become a TU nothing of the above is required. TUs should just know that you have enough skills for package building, porting and fixing (applying x86_64 specific patches etc.) and to vote "yes" for you. Having some packages is not _required_, there are other ways to show your skills. You can find a sponsor before or after the introductory message to tur-users ML (usually someone volunteers to sponsor a candidate). If at least one TU (your sponsor) finds you a good candidate, the discussion period and voting procedure begins.
Ah, I see... so if I want to become a TU I have to introduce myself to the TUs mailing list and to prove my skills... uhm... my mail is on the road! ^___^ (I'm going to write the introduction mail to TU ML after I'll come back home from work...).
That's about CVS/SVN/whatever access rights.
Yes I know... I'm a developer and I worked with Subversion before but I guess it's possible to implement a kind of "queue" in AUR that maintainers can watch.
Also, often a package in unsupported has many contributors over time, because people orphan and readopt it.
Well, that's not a problem... when an AUR user want to adopt a package I guess it's registered in a database. A script could give temporary access to the particular CVS/SVN directory of the package to the contributor (yes, I know it's not that simple but this really needs to be semplified).
You can send updated PKGBUILDs to maintainer directly or post in comments. Posting PKGBUILD as a comment (after TU adopted it) doesn't differ much from uploading new version to unsupported (before adoption).
I've already done this for a package in AUR (Transmission): I rewrote the PKGBUILD, I sent it as a comment and then... nothing. I emailed the new PKGBUILD to the maintainer... still nothing. When I wrote on the forum, another TU asked me to send the package to mOlOk because the maintainer wanted to drop it! Then he reviewed and replaced the old package with mine ( plus some diffs :p ).
Pacbuild is on the way.
That's will lightify the work of TUs but packages still need to be patched and then WELL tested... Bye, Alessandro.