Benoit Chesneau wrote:
There are currently 2 bugs while installing xorg. The first one is critical :
Bugs : 1) /etc/x11 isn't created at install. Or is there any possibility to recreate it by hand at the end of install ?
This directory seems to be obsolete, my xorg.conf is in /etc now and it my X desktop works just like before. Yes, /etc/X11 is missing on my system as well.
2) Problem xorg-fonts-misc package :
/var/lib/pacman/local.xorg-fonts-misc-1.0.0-1/install: line 3: usr/bin/fc-cache: Nos such file or directory
This package doesn't depend on fontconfig or xorg-server. So fontconfig is installed after.
I added fontconfig as a dependendy to font-util, this should fix the install of all xorg-fonts-* packages that properly depend on font-util. Thanks for the short report. ;) Cheers! Alex Ps: Things will start to get (very) busy for me from today on, first day at the office this year.