N4 wrote:
1) why isn't abs the same script as in x86 archlinux ?
It's simply not implemented, cvsup doesn't work on non-x86 because of the fact that it's written in an obscure language that requires a compiler we haven't yet got to work. Then again, using CVS solves the problem and obsoletes caring about the problem. We'll be removing ABS completely at some time or make it use anonymous CVS. No plans yet though, minor issue.
2) why isn't /etc/rc.d/fam the script as in the x86 archlinux ?
It's not up to date. i686 -9 ppc -8 As above, seems minor. ;)
3) is there any particular reason for changing the scripts ?
At the time we built the package the files were those pulled from i686. It's always like that, we don't modify unless necessary. So you can assume that at some point in time, the i686 scripts had similar issues. Cheers, -G