[arch-ports] x86_64 update
ok, its been a while since i have actually done some work on the port. Today I grabbed the latest pkgbuilds from testing, current, extra, and started working on gcc 4. The packages will now support the emt64 and amd64 chips. I have also decided that 32bit support will be included in the base install. This make life much easier for me and anyone else who decides to help out. Many things like the ati drivers, grub, opera, and openoffice 1 will only work with 32bit "stuff" installed. Also i am gonna start a subversion repo soon and put pkgbuilds up. Xentac knows how i was doing things before. I had managed 2 dirs. one where development occured (packages were built there, pkgbuilds were edited...) and one where the final pkgbuild for the package was kept. It worked fine for me, but people weren't able to see the pkgbuilds or get them from me unless i put them on my web server. Since cvsup is still messed up on x86_64 i'm gonna go with subversion. I have no experience in these thi ngs (subversion, cvs, ...), so if i shouldn't use subversion or something please tell me. - Seshu Yamajala (syamajala)
Ok, so the motherboard for my web server needs to go back to msi. I just decided to swap out the motherboard. Since i have 2 other motherboards that are the exact the same thing. I also decided to update the packages on my web server to the newly compiled stuff, so i reformatted. The subversion repo is up its a very very rough import of the pkgbuilds and i probably imported more pkgbuilds than i needed to but i figured i can always clean it up later. Right now only the pkgbuilds for current are in there. I really need to learn some bash scripting so i can clean up my abs tree. I'm also gonna rewrite my site and i'm hoping to implement something like what is on the arch site. Should be fun! Here is the link: http://genesis.blogdns.net/svn/Arch64
participants (2)
Seshu Yamajala
seshu yamajala