On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 10:15 PM David Runge <dave@sleepmap.de> wrote:
Thanks for stepping in on that ticket as well btw.
No problem, I'm glad that we got that sorted out. It would be great to evaluate whether this can be linked dynamically
(or statically) against faust. It's not super nice to build the entire kitchen sink with this every time ;-)
I'm on the fence with this. It would certainly be nice to have the option, but OTOH many Pd users may not even care about the stand-alone Faust compiler, and so I can see why Pierre did it this way. It makes the package self-contained, and independent of the Faust version that happens to be available on the target system. (Which may be really ancient in the case of older stable Debian/Ubuntu releases.) The fact that there's no portable way to figure out where the Faust include files and libraries are doesn't help either; remember that the build also has to work on Mac and Windows. But let's see what Pierre thinks about this, I see that you already submitted a ticket on it. Albert -- Dr. Albert Gr"af Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany Email: aggraef@gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/