On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 11:21:59 +0100, Joakim Hernberg wrote:
On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 11:10:08 +0100 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Intel Spectre v2 broken microcode detected; disabling Speculation Control
And what is wrong with this?
Hi, it's not my domain, the hits I get by https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=ucp-WpKfFIrhkgX_uI-oCQ&q=Intel+Spectre+v2+broken+microcode+detected%3B+disabling+Speculation+Control&oq=Intel+Spectre+v2+broken+microcode+detected%3B+disabling+Speculation+Control&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1303.6725.0.10760. don't help me. Is it good? To me "broken microcode" in combination with "Spectre" sounds like a serious warning. -- $ pacman -Q linux{,-rt-securityink,-rt,-rt-pussytoes,-rt-cornflower} linux 4.15.2-2 linux-rt-securityink 4.14.18_rt15-1 linux-rt 4.14.12_rt10-1 linux-rt-pussytoes 4.14.8_rt9-2 linux-rt-cornflower 4.11.12_rt16-1