I just realized I sent this only to Ray. Sorry, that you'll get this twice. On December 27, 2017 12:28:41 AM GMT+01:00, Rashif Ray Rahman <schiv@archlinux.org> wrote:
Do you want to have a go with the meta package and group creation? I can then revise and push to testing.* Sure, I'll have a look at it by the end of the year. Have an upcoming performance to take care of first.
* After of course pushing the packages still in line for which you have already nudged me several times! Hehe, that would be great. Especially lilv, liblo and ardour.
On 27 December 2017 at 04:39, David Runge <dave@sleepmap.de> wrote:
Addditionally, it should create the system group realtime (using systemd-sysusers), to decouple the realtime priorities from the audio group.
This has the additional benefit of other packages being able to depend on it (although I'm not aware of any requiring it), for e.g. realtime video processing. AFAIK, pulse still has contradictory realtime settings to jack, when ran in a joint fashion. So, for 'real' work I usually disable it or have it only take care of the internal (laptop) hardware. Any opinions on it? As a sidenote: I think software such as skype (if it has to be run), should be jailed and restrained to the maximum amount possible. It has access to the user's home, is closed source and well, you know the rest ;-) Best, David -- https://sleepmap.de