Re: [arch-proaudio] [LAD] Current state of GPL Juce?
2 Jun
2 Jun
3:57 a.m.
i suspect this concern is a bit belated - it probably goes back to the release of JUCE v5 in april 2017 - i dont think anything has changed since then - quite a fuss was made at the time like starting the very next day the GPL is still an option but it was removed from mention on the website and now is essentially a secret - new users need to actually download and read the source code or download and run the binary to learn that the GPL was an option i could point you to this discussion that tried to address the down-playing of the GPL option and the possibility of a community fork to remove the anti- features
2 Jun
2 Jun
4:48 a.m.
New subject: [arch-proaudio] [LAD] Current state of GPL Juce?
erp my bad - wrong list :P
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