[arch-proaudio] Test my rebuilds
Hi all, I spent some time to rebuild all packages I inherited from speps [1] [2]. If you have some time to spare, I'd be very happy if you could test them and report any breakage, before I move them to [community] [3]! Best, David [1] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Community-Testing&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= [2] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Multilib-Testing&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= [3] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Community&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= -- https://sleepmap.de
Hi David, I don't have time to seriously test audio software now. However, for some time now, I'm already using jack2 build from git. [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep jack2 /var/log/pacman.log | grep 1.9.10.r | grep upgrade [2016-02-27 18:33] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10-3 -> 1.9.10.r177.g7bdad49-1) [2016-11-23 02:34] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r177.g7bdad49-1 -> 1.9.10.r202.gf2ece24-1) [2017-03-02 18:22] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r202.gf2ece24-1 -> 1.9.10.r241.ge0281d82-1) [2017-03-28 08:06] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r241.ge0281d82-1 -> 1.9.10.r261.g2d1d3235-1) [2017-05-21 18:04] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r261.g2d1d3235-1 -> 1.9.10.r262.g31d4ae97-1) [2017-06-14 05:10] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r262.g31d4ae97-1 -> 1.9.10.r263.gf3a6b3e4-1) [2017-07-20 16:51] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r263.gf3a6b3e4-1 -> 1.9.10.r276.g0f277def-1) [2017-08-07 15:06] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r276.g0f277def-1 -> 1.9.10.r279.g9c929bef-1) [2017-08-12 00:44] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r279.g9c929bef-1 -> 1.9.10.r283.g288df203-1) [2017-08-18 13:16] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r283.g288df203-1 -> 1.9.10.r287.g929009dd-1) [2017-09-16 16:06] [ALPM] upgraded jack2 (1.9.10.r287.g929009dd-1 -> 1.9.10.r293.gc44a220f-1) c44a220 is still the latest commit and f3a6b3e is "1.9.11-RC1 release" [1]. I didn't use all builds to make music, but IIRC all passed at least short usage, so unless you didn't do something very unusual your 1.9.11_RC1-3 [2] should do the job. There was an issue with building jackdbus 288df20 [3], which isn't related to this thread ;). That's the PKGBUILD I used: [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat /usr/src/jack2/jack2-rocketmouse/PKGBUILD pkgbase=jack2 pkgname=('jack2') #pkgname=('jack2' 'jack2-dbus') #pkgname= # single build (overrides split) _tarname=jack pkgver=1.9.10.r293.gc44a220f pkgrel=1 arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://jackaudio.org/" backup=(etc/security/limits.d/99-audio.conf) license=('GPL') makedepends=('python2-dbus' 'celt' 'opus' 'libsamplerate' 'git' 'libffado') source=("git+https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2" '99-audio.conf' '40-hpet-permissions.rules') md5sums=('SKIP' 'ae65b7c9ebe0fff6c918ba9d97ae342d' '471aad533ff56c5d3cbbf65ce32cadef') _gitname='jack2' _pyfix() { sed -i 's:bin/env python:bin/env python2:' \ "$pkgdir/usr/bin/jack_control" } _wafconf() { # default=64, AUR=128, kxstudio=256 --clients= # default=768, AUR=1536, kxstudio=2048 --ports-per-application= python2 waf configure --prefix=/usr \ --clients=64 --ports-per-application=768 \ --alsa --firewire $@ } _isbuild() { printf "%s\n" ${pkgname[@]} | grep -qx $1 } pkgver() { cd jack2 echo $(git describe|sed -r 's/^v//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g') } #prepare() { # we may do 2 different builds #cp -r $_gitname $_gitname-dbus #} build() { cd "$srcdir" # mixed dbus/classic build if _isbuild jack2; then cd $_gitname msg2 "Running Mixed D-Bus/Classic build with dbus commented out" _wafconf --classic #--dbus python2 waf build $MAKEFLAGS cd .. fi # dbus-ONLY build #if _isbuild jack2-dbus; then # cd $_gitname-dbus # msg2 "Running D-Bus-only build" # _wafconf --dbus # python2 waf build $MAKEFLAGS # cd .. #fi } package_jack2() { ! _isbuild jack2 && return 0 pkgdesc="The next-generation JACK with SMP support" depends=('libsamplerate' 'opus' 'celt' 'libffado') optdepends=('python2-dbus: jack_control') conflicts=('jack') provides=('jack' 'jackmp' 'jackdmp' 'jackdbus') cd "$srcdir/$_gitname" python2 waf install --destdir="$pkgdir" # fix for major python transition _pyfix # configure realtime access/scheduling install -Dm644 "$srcdir/99-audio.conf" \ "$pkgdir/etc/security/limits.d/99-audio.conf" install -Dm644 "$srcdir/40-hpet-permissions.rules" \ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/40-hpet-permissions.rules" } package_jack2-dbus() { ! _isbuild jack2-dbus && return 0 pkgdesc="The next-generation JACK with SMP support (for D-BUS interaction only)" depends=('libsamplerate' 'celt' 'opus' 'libffado') optdepends=('python2-dbus: jack_control') conflicts=('jack' 'jack2') provides=('jack' 'jack2' 'jackmp' 'jackdmp' 'jackdbus') cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-dbus" python2 waf install --destdir="$pkgdir" _pyfix install -Dm644 "$srcdir/99-audio.conf" \ "$pkgdir/etc/security/limits.d/99-audio.conf" install -Dm644 "$srcdir/40-hpet-permissions.rules" \ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/40-hpet-permissions.rules" } With a not up to date makepkg.conf ;). $ ls -hAl /etc/makepkg.conf* -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.7K Feb 26 2016 /etc/makepkg.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.7K May 7 2013 /etc/makepkg.conf-20130715_000209.bak -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.8K Jul 4 11:29 /etc/makepkg.conf.pacnew [1] https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2/commits/master [2] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community-testing/x86_64/jack2/ [3] https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2/issues/288 -- $ pacman -Q linux{,-rt{,-cornflower,-pussytoes}}|awk '{print $2}' 4.14.4-1 4.13.13_rt5-1 4.11.12_rt16-1 4.14_rt1-1
On Sat, 9 Dec 2017 16:06:35 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
so unless you didn't do something very unusual your 1.9.11_RC1-3 [2] should do the job.
Could somebody please give off-list hints, if my English should be broken? I guess it should read "so unless you shouldn't have done ..." TIA
On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 03:30:42PM +0100, David Runge wrote:
[1] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Community-Testing&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= [2] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Multilib-Testing&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= [3] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Community&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged=
Just one remark: clalsadrv has been deprecated and replaced by zita-alsa-pcmi for five years or so. Migrating is easy, the API is almost the same. Who is still requiring clalsadrv ? Ciao, -- FA A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia. It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)
On December 9, 2017 4:21:19 PM GMT+01:00, Fons Adriaensen <fons@linuxaudio.org> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 03:30:42PM +0100, David Runge wrote:
[1] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Community-Testing&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= [2] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Multilib-Testing&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged= [3] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=3D&repo=Community&q=&maintainer=dvzrv&flagged=
Just one remark: clalsadrv has been deprecated and replaced by zita-alsa-pcmi for five years or so. Migrating is easy, the API is almost the same. Who is still requiring clalsadrv ?
No package. That's why I'll drop it. Sent the message about this topic, glee and cwiid to arch-dev-public. -- https://sleepmap.de
participants (3)
David Runge
Fons Adriaensen
Ralf Mardorf