Hi all, here are the meeting minutes from this week's meeting in rendered form: https://md.archlinux.org/s/oKNFl2QQu# Below you can find the raw markdown: # 2022-07-20 repod meeting Date: 2022-07-20T17:00:00Z Location: Jitsi Scribe: dvzrv ## Attendees * dvzrv * wCPO * xexaxo * artafinde ## Agenda ### Chats and contribution We had a short chat/sync whit xexaxo who seems interested in contributing. Come join us in #archlinux-projects on libera.chat. ### Milestone 0.2.0 A few tickets have been collected to be part of milestone [%0.2.0](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/milestones/1#tab-issues). If you are interested in contributing, have a look at open [good first issue](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/?label_name=good%20first%20issue&milestone_title=0.2.0&state=all) tickets. #### Scope of Milestone 0.2.0 - Consolidate CLI with configuration layer - Clean up documentation - Consolidate the management repository layout (e.g. adding .BUILDINFO data) - Moving of files to managed repository directories (e.g. management repository files, package repository files) - Package signature verification ### Configuration layer now integrated with CLI The `repod.config.settings` package has been integrated with the CLI. It is now possible to call `repod-file` and have it import data derived from packages or sync databases directly into designated (configured) management repository directories. Parts of the documentation still needs cleaning up ([#77](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/77), [#78](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/78)) and the CLI needs to be adapted to allow distinction between repositories of the same name, but differing CPU architecture ([#76](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/76)). ### Renovate issues Renovate bot has been upgraded as it removed the checksums for packages it was trying to upgrade due to a pypi.org bug. ### Debug package integration The work on debug package integration ([#41](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/41)) has started. It requires a few minor changes in the `repod.config.settings` and `repod.cli.cli` packages. ### Package file move actions The move actions drafted in [!40](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/merge_requests/40) need rebasing and can then extend the already existing use of `repod.config.settings` in the CLI. Upon starting to implement basic features in `repod.cli.cli` it became clear, that the file actions should be implemented in a separate ### NLnet funding Two funds from NLnet have been applied for, both of which have turned down the project today. ### Import/consumption of packages from URL In the future repod should allow consumption of files from URL ([#79](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/79)). -- https://sleepmap.de