Sorry about the link, that would be because of my touchpad changing the cursor position when I hover my hand over it while typing, it's very sensitive and a bit weird.
> It was not easy to follow your FAQ ..
That would be my fault, English is not my native language but there is the fact that the Wiki is not complete. In fact it is just a temporary solution until the main website up and operational and the only reason to have it is that I can add/remove/change content platform independent. I used to keep some files on my main PC but after a disk failure[1] and no backup files to restore from I'm not taking the chance again.
The approach I choosed, to avoid systemd, is because some software doesn't work (e.g. dbus, networkmanager) even if systemd is present on the system. Check the topics like the one about
OpenRC on Arch[2] and more specificly and you will see what I'm talking about so it's not just initscripts that need to be systemd compatible. And to ensure that everything is smooth I had to maintain a lot of packages, and preferable not linked against systemd so if the package relies on a systemd library I can use ldd to check binaries and find which one I have to work on to make my job easier.
And about the tmpfiles implementation I think Debian has their own[3] [4] which can be adopted and used within the initscripts.