On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 11:05 -0600, Dusty Phillips wrote:
I suggest we either try user-contributions on this list, or set up a second list that accesses it so we can test the interface. The long term goal is, of course, to migrate bbs.archlinux.org to a forum2mail gateway.
I would not suggest to include all forums in bbs.archlinux.org but few selected related to this mailing list. The mail2forum software can do it. As an example I would select these forums only: CD/FTP Installation Package and Security Advisories User Contributions General Programming Forum If we don't user-contributions but another web bbs, then following forums could be included from usercb: Project Discussion How-To
I've always disliked mailing lists, but after using this one with gmail, I'm finding its actually a lot more useful than web bbs software.
When I joined today this mailing list seeing the big number of mails in the archive, would have been nice if all in a web bbs where easy to search and mails in assigned categories & forums. This is why I like the idea of mail2forum... combining mlist and forum (bbs) thereby having a easy to use "archive" and fast communication. Markku (rasat)