For net-auto-wired and -wireless, a new @-unit has to be instantiated with the interface name. Static profiles are enabled automatically when listed in /etc/conf.d/network NETWORKS= - the old netcfg.service has thus been removed. This breaks the NETWORKS=(last) functionality, and I don't think we can handle it properly right now. NETWORKS=(menu) could never work with systemd anyway. I'd really like to remove netcfg@.service, net-auto-wired.service and net-auto-wireless.service at some point, but that will break existing setups. I don't know if we should go ahead with this. What we should definitely do is change netcfg, wifi-menu and netcfg-menu to use systemctl to start profiles when called manually. This would ensure systemd can track the profiles properly, knows how to shut them down and can track their processes.