I got extremely confused when I accidentally found out that the MAKEFLAGS that is needed to be set for parallel building using devtools is the one in "/etc/makepkg.conf", instead of one like "/usr/share/devtools/makepkg-x86_64.conf". Turns out this is because "makechrootpkg"::20180531-4::638 is: load_vars /etc/makepkg.conf load_vars() only reads "{SRC,SRCPKG,PKG,LOG}DEST MAKEFLAGS PACKAGER", so without me having set any of the others, it turns out the only variable it uses from /etc is MAKEFLAGS. For me, I think this is the only makepkg/pacman variable in an entire devtools run that isn't out of /usr/share/devtools, since "archbuild" gives those to "mkarchroot" and "arch-nspawn... pacman -Syu", and they are copied into "/var/lib/archbuild/extra-x86_64/root/etc/" for anything ran in the chroot. Should this be fixed? I originally thought of a new "makechrootpkg -M" option, but I think it could instead run: load_vars ${copydir}/etc/makepkg.conf If not, should "/usr/share/devtools/makepkg-x86_64.conf" be updated with a comment where those variables are, to say they're actually used out of "/etc/makepkg.conf"?