I guess my first language was "lego", then "erector set"...
Sort of offing my own topic here, but has anybody here played with mindstorms? Ever since I read about programming in in Java: http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2005/02/21/robotics.html I've been kinda curious. ;) I made a robot once... used an OOPIC http://www.oopic.com/ for the microcontroller... some AOL 'free' CDs forr the body. It was neat... wandered around and bumped into things and backed up... flashing lights. Great for bugging the dog. I never did program it to chase the dog though... Thought if I put a radio transmitter on his collar and had the bot follow the signal... but I was never that good with hardware, it wasn't *fun*. Not like coding in groovy. ;) I thought Mindstorms might be more fun, less soldering, more click bricks together. Dusty