On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 4:36 AM, Lukas Jirkovsky <l.jirkovsky@gmail.com> wrote:
On 17 November 2012 01:14, Jason St. John <jstjohn@purdue.edu> wrote:
From: "Jason St. John" <jstjohn@purdue.edu>
The previous commit removed the Vim modelines which replaced tabs with spaces. This commit replaces the space-based indents with tabs.
Tabs are generally more compatible with various user preferences regarding indentation of code. Using space-based indents is not flexible regarding user preferences at all.
I don't like this idea. The current settings (2-space indentation) is the de facto standard coding convention. Changing the convention would create a lot of inconsistency among packages.
Yes, that's true, but the benefits of having some PKGBUILDs being much more user-friendly outweighs any negative effects this wider inconsistency would have. I don't see this type of inconsistency as a major problem, and over time, it will gradually go down as more and more new packages are uploaded based on the tab-based indents. Also, the use of space-based indents is contrary to both the pacman coding style[1] and the defaults shipped with Arch's Vim package[2]. [1] https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/HACKING.html#_coding_style [2] https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/archlinux.vi... Jason