Hi all, please find the meeting minutes in rendered form here: https://md.archlinux.org/s/WeAd-Jd20# The plain markdown is attached below: # 2022-08-31 repod meeting Date: 2022-08-31T17:00:00Z - 2022-08-31T18:30:00Z Location: Jitsi Scribe: ## Attendees * dvzrv * wCPO * polyzen * Segaja * sradjoker * bittin * Prawn ## Endeavor OS - sradjoker from Endeavor OS is describing their setup - uses own tooling (e.g. Makefile/ scripts based) to maintain packages - most packages are reused from Arch Linux / Arch Linux ARM - confused by initial use/ what to expect from repod. adding further high level information might help first-time users ([#108](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/108)) ## Demo by David David demoed importing a package and how the file structure is created. David presented the current milestone: [0.3.0](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/milestones/2#tab-issues). ## Evaluate the minimum base set of package attributes We need to evaluate whether the base set of package attributes needs to be reduced: [#109](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/109). Packagers with very limited/ small setups may otherwise run into issues. In the future the existence requirement for the various attributes could become configurable. -- https://sleepmap.de