On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Kurt J. Bosch <kjb-temp-2009@alpenjodel.de> wrote:
Do you have a public git repo I could pull from to make my life simpler?
Sorry, no. Guess I would need to learn more about git first.
I changed the subject as this might be relevant to more people: If you want me to apply a non-trivial number of patches to initscripts, it would be very helpful if you could put them in a public repo (if you can't that's ok, it just means it might take a bit longer for me to apply them, and there is a bigger risk they might be forgotten). One way to do this is using github. Super quick guide: 1) signup at http://github.com/ (the free account is probably what you want) 2) upload your ssh pulickey to github: “Account Settings” > Click “SSH Public Keys” > Click “Add another public key” 3) create repository called 'initscripts' ("Dashboard" > "New Repository") 4) add the newly created repository on your machine: $ git remote add <username> git@github.com:<username>/initscripts.git 5) push your local branch (let's say you called it 'work') to the public repository $ git push <username> work (if you have just been committing to the master branch, that's fine, just push that instead: $ git push <username> master -t