On 9/22/07, Loui <louipc.ist@gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/22/07, Paul Mattal <paul@mattal.com> wrote:
I've created a git tree for the release trunk of the AUR: Cool.
send me the pull and browse URLs for your clones? pull: http://louipc.dontexist.org/aur/.git web: http://louipc.dontexist.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi
Also check out the REPOS file via my gitweb.
One more git fine point others may know more about than I: Can I pull from the existing AUR repos you all have started, even though they are not clones of mine? Indeed you can. There may be conflicts though so git-fetch first and see.
Very cool. @paul I rebased my local repos off your testing repo. You don't have alot in that repo different from your master right now, other than the translation patch. @Loui Which branch is your recommended 'pull' branch? My recommended pull branch is named 'readytopull'. How clever of me. ;)