On 02/19/2018 10:24 PM, Luke Shumaker wrote:
The glob I was using it for wasn't PKGEXT(s), it was the '*' that's right there in the argument!
Right, that's why I replied to myself with "Actually, it would tend to help if we had the actual candidate filenames here. Hmm..." Context: I wrote a makepkg patch whose sole purpose is to ensure that people can extract a newline-separated list of absolute filepaths for each package that a PKGBUILD would/did create. No globs needed. :) I'm hoping this will simplify some rather hackish and fragile logic in *many* projects that interface with makepkg.
Maybe: ... if cp -Lv ${cache}/*${PKGEXT}{,.sig} ${pkgdest} 2>/dev/null; then return 0 else
This would avoid the need for __isGlobfile function altogether.
I like that! Good idea!
I'd also like a more descriptive commit message. Don't tell me what you changed, tell me why you changed it. :p
Ok, I'll go in to that more.
The changes look great, thanks. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User