To me, the main reason for the continued existence of personal repositories, is that the aur only allows a single package per name. If two people want to package the same utility differently, too bad. Only one person can "own" it in the aur. Further, I custom compile several binaries (php with tidy-2.0 support for instance). If someone else wants to use my binary, then they are free to do so, instead of compiling it themselves. Those are just two examples off the top of my head, why I think personal user repositories will never go away. In all honesty, I am going to use mBira as a front end to my personal binary repository (replacing my previous use of PRIMAL). If nobody else does, then that is their choice, and they are welcome to make it. I just figured I would let people know about it, and let them make their own choices. On 6/1/05, Dusty Phillips <> wrote:
Since AUR can contain unofficial PKGBUILDs, I question the utility of this? Why don't users with binary package dbs submit the packages to AUR instead.
The answer, of course, will be "because they have to build the packages themselves". To this end, I think a script based on sourcepac that automatically downloads PKGBUILDs and builds them would be more useful.
-- -------------------------- Bender: It was horrible! A nightmare! Fry: What happened? Bender: I dreamt I was in a place of 0's and 1's and all of a sudden... I saw a two *whimper* Fry: It's ok Bender, don't worry. There's no such thing as 2's.