Am Sat, 28 Jul 2012 22:45:01 +0200 schrieb Tom Gundersen <>:
I was referring to the crypttab page. As I said, I didn't have the chance to double check this myself, but I noticed that your units were off, so that would at least be the first thing to check.
And I already answered that I checked it more than twice. Of course, I, too, can sometimes miss a detail when reading a man page.
That's the intention. There might of course be regressions, I'm looking into that now.
So, it was a bug or at least something that should be fixed if the size has to be converted from byte to bit.
Keep your snarky comments to yourself.
Well, that depends. If people don't seem to take me seriously and tell me to read 3 man pages even if I did it, then people have to live with such snarky comments. I know those comments didn't come only from you personally, but some of them did. And I didn't miss that you're on your phone, so I don't expect you to test and to fix this at once on your phone. I'm really willing to help and to test. But then this should be kept serious and factual. Nevertheless, I tried to convert the size from byte to bit in the new syntax. From the old syntax: home /dev/sdaX /dev/usbkey:15675879:1024 To the new syntax: home /dev/sdaX /dev/usbkey size=8192,keyfile-offset=15675879 Still the same error: Unlocking home Failed to activate: Invalid argument Unlocking of home failed. So the units are not the reason. Heiko