21 Sep
21 Sep
7:24 a.m.
I have started working on getting the aur to look like the rest of the arch sites. So far I have the header looking good. Not sure how useful the patches I have been sending are. I don't know if binary images that show up in my most recent patch, work with the patch utility or not..so instead of fiddling with it, I am just setting up a git repo for my changes. The gitweb is here: http://projects.archlinux.org/git/?p=aur-eliott.git;a=summary You can clone from here: http://projects.archlinux.org/git/aur-eliott.git My 'testing' branch has the first stab at the header changes...it has effected the body of the site a bit negatively, so there needs to be some fixing there.