On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 07:51:44AM -0500, Jesse Young wrote:
On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 20:14:30 -0700 Linus Arver <linusarver@gmail.com> wrote:
The bzr, darcs, git, and hg version control systems use a single internal folder at the root to store all VCS-related data (commits, history, etc.). This folder can get quite large (hundreds of MiB) for big projects and continues to grow as the project lives on.
We exclude this folder when creating a temporary build directory to save time and space. Since commit 0e79802c0ac8453376d8c0f99629f5a3b499f571 in pacman includes "shopt -s extglob" in pacman/scripts/makepkg.sh.in, we can use the simple "!(foo)" syntax.
CVS and SVN pollute the source repo with "CVS" and ".svn" directories recursively for every single directory, so there is no simple one-liner solution to exclude the VCS data for these systems that I am aware of.
Not as nice as not copying the files in the first place, but you could do $ find "$_svnmod-build" -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \; For these recursive structures
Thanks, I'll incorporate your one-liner solution in this patch to make it more comprehensive.
Another option, and I'm only familiar with how git does it, is to $ scm export | tar -xvf - or similar to only copy the latest commit to the build directory.
I've done some googling and it looks like you meant to say $ git archive master | tar -x -C /somewhere/else (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/160608/how-to-do-a-git-export-like-svn-ex...). I still think the solution using plain `cp' is better because it's far simpler and results in an identical file structure (the root .git/ is excluded, but .gitignore files are still there). Plus you don't need to supply the branch/commit/tree name.
All this being said, why do we need a separate build directory? It should be easy to do a "distclean" with most SCMs (eg. git clean) to get a pristine working directory.
Well one reason off the top of my head is if you need to apply a local patch (e.g., projects like lilypond still use python2 but just have `python' in their scripts, so you need to do a fairly invasive change). Once you do that, your working tree is dirty and you won't be able to pull from upstream without doing a "git reset --hard". (git-clean removes untracked files, which will prevent repackaging (e.g., your compiled binary will be deleted)). But I guess it depends. If you're just pulling in vanilla upstream, then a temp build directory makes no sense. As far as git is concerned, since the compiled binaries/docs/etc will not be tracked, it will happily pull in the later commits even if your directory has lots of stray files. So no problem there. I guess there should be 2 versions to choose from in the PKGBUILD --- one with and one without a temp build directory. I'll make it so that both are commented out, and leave the PKGBUILD author to shape it to their needs. Since this patch series is getting a bit tedious, I'll just do the git prototype for now (I'm not knowledgeable enough in the other VCSs anyway...). -Linus