Hello everybody, I am chris from the Arch Linux Security Team. I have tried to reach jouke (the old maintainer of netctl) because I am thinking about writing a new feature for netctl. But due to the fact that I can't reach him I explain my idea here (I hope it's ok). Maybe you've read the changelog of network-manager. They have included mac randomizing for scanning the wifis or connecting to it. I would like to have this in netctl, but I wasn't unsure if this feature would be a 'nice to have' or would be rejected. So what do you think about mac-randomizing? I've heard that also iOS 8 uses it and some other wifi software. Should we include this in netctl? I would see a big increase of user privacy in it. I would write the feature as 'optional dependency' (on base of community/macchanger) so that any user could op it in or out. Do yo want to see this feature in netctl or better not? best regards Christian Rebischke