Hi Dieter, On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
Also I notice there is no manpage for rc.conf. How can we improve this situation? Maybe by maintaining a man page for rc.conf which is as extensive as what currently in the official install guide? then, in the official installation guide, I can just refer to the rc.conf manpage, meaning the documentation is always in sync, at the same time it would also allow to make the documentation in rc.conf a bit more minimal.
Thanks for caring about this. I think a manpage would make the most sense. I try to update the wiki when i remember, but I definitely have forgotten in the past. A manpage would be much simpler to keep up to date (as we'd change the documentation when we commit the change to the code, rather than when the code is released). If anyone would like to work on this I'd be very happy. Otherwise, I'd put it on my TODO list... Cheers, Tom