Hey, What's everybody working on these days? ;-) I officially deleted the AL forums from my bookmarks today, its starting to annoy me. I don't really have better things to do with my time, but I'd rather do nothing than get involved with some of that. My personal project is, of course Ensmer. I've made a few changes, not ready for another devel release. Development has slowed down since I don't have a school timeline anymore. I'm also working more on things that seem important than things that seem like they're worth marks. ;-) I'm thinking of voice recognition... don't know how to actually implement it. I'm looking at sphinx-4: http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/ Any ideas on that? I thought it might be neat to add voice commands as alternative form of input. Hard to implement in a modular fashion though. And then there's internationalization... Dusty