On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 09:48:22 -0500 Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com> wrote:
It's live, here is the direct link: http://www.archlinux.org/releng/feedback/
Things I'm allowed to say after sinking significant time into this yesterday. (..) I'm sure this will see some more work once we get actual results.
whoa. already live? i haven't even had the time to further test the functionality of the application, and to check to which extent my complains/suggestions/ideas were fixed/implemented. I'll try to do that today or during the next days. I wouldn't start inviting people to use the app just yet. (it gets cumbersome when there need to be schema changes or stuff like that, when there's already useful production data) No it doesn't, that is the whole point of South and schema/data migrations.