Am Wed, 18 Feb 2009 14:04:14 +0100 schrieb Stephan Platz <>:
For German reader's: Das Linux-Magazin meldet ebenfalls die neue Installations-CD
It's fine to see that the ISO release get so many attention. Searching with "Arch Linux 2009.02" founds a lot of announces meanwhile. Either the text of our announce news or a modified. What i see often in this news is: Arch 2009.02 released. The same "mistake" what Aaron mentioned: It's not clear for the news writers that we have a rolling release and that 2009.02 is "only" a snapshot for new installations. So we should - in the announces for the next iso release - make a bigger hint on this, like we do it on the download page on Somewhat like "For new installations only. An Arch Linux system can always be updated with `pacman -Syu`" So we should make this a bigger part in the next news IMHO. Gerhard