On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am Donnerstag 29 Januar 2009 20:24:28 schrieb Aaron Griffin:
If all goes as planned, the same beta3 images will be used for release.
So, its more an RC then. :-) Maybe you could even move it straigt to the ftp dir with its final name and if nothing goes wrong we can just announce it on Monday. This way it will be already synced by the mirrors.
Well, the only thing I realized is that the core ISOs don't have the 4 packages I just moved on them. Signoffs took too long. So at the very least the core ISOs will need to be rebuilt. beta3 ISOs are uploading now (my little script I ran last night failed at the upload step, had to upload this morning). x86_64 still building, will be uploaded as they complete