1) Is this a good proposal? 2) I can't do any of the other languages, could translators pitch in?
i will try to organize the archlinux brazil team to translate to portuguese 3) I currently have no write access to the install guide (I seem to have no
administrator privileges). 4) What would be the best practice for me getting started on the new content, allowing others to contribute but not to ruin my work? Lock the new page and have people email me with corrections?
-- 1111.1010.r.i.1101|n.o.i.s.1110|i.m.1010.g.1110|مقاومة fsf member #5439 usuario GNU/Linux #471966 <a href="www.atelier-labs.org">atelier-labs</a> <a href="www.mocambos.net">rede mocambos</a> <a href="http://www.gnu.org">GNU</a> <a href="www.archlinux-br.org">archlinux brasil</a>