On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 14:22:02 +0200 Gerhard Brauer <gerbra@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am Montag, den 17.08.2009, 14:11 +0200 schrieb Thomas Bächler:
Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:
So there is a subtle duplicitly going on here. > I've been thinking of simple, but clear ways to phrase this and I think it's best to make the images a separate project with a special name. > for example we could call this project "ALIMG" or something (Arch Linux images) and then talk (news items) about new ALIMG releases. ALIMG 2009.08 etc.
Let's just call it "Arch Live 2009.12" or so then. It is a live system and contains AIF, which we will mention in the announce anyway.
I would leave all as it is... YYYY.MM snapshots
a) we don't make images for the press b) the few user who will get confused will get a answer on bbs etc. They don't will ask this again.
Realy, i don't see the need that we make us a problem with this...
Actually, the more I think about it, the more it just makes sense. The images we create are not "Arch Linux". They are a project on itself, based on arch linux. Even if you don't consider the semantic/press discussion, it is weird to me to have a very specific project, but no name for it. And yes, I do consider the press. I think if we can improve (as in: make it more acurate) the picture they draw of us towards (new) people, we should. I think media plays a big role. See how many places talk about the "arch linux 2009.08 release" http://www.google.be/search?q=arch+linux+2009.08+release Dieter