Hi all, I want to hack into AIF (and maybe archiso) to add support for grub2 and uefi support to it. I might borrow some code from tpowa's archboot, atleast for the uefi related stuff since i added that support (to archboot). I need help in the form of implementing GPT and grub2 BIOS support to AIF since that is a prerequisite to enable uefi support in aif. I am not so familiar with lvm, raid and all such complex stuff that require checking (as currently done by archboot's /arch/setup script) while insallation of grub2 bios but i can help in gpt booting related stuff and uefi support. The first problem i am facing is to find out which file to edit - in archboot everything was concentrated at /arch/setup, but in AIF it seems to be split up into multiple files. Thanks in advance. Regards. Keshav