Hello everybody, I am not shure if this is the correct place to report or if there is any better one... If so - please let me know. Ok, the initrd hooks from archiso support PXE booting. In this case the initrd is responsible for setting up the network. All these setting are persistent, so are still valid after changing to the real system. With one exception: name resolver settings (namely file /etc/resolv.conf) are lost, which ends up in a system with network connectivity that can not resolve a single host. Even worse: When launching a dhcp client you may get a new address and end up with something completely useless as nbd connection is lost. I would like to write the final /etc/resolv.conf from within initrd. For me this completely solves the problem. Patch is attached. -- Best regards, Chris O< ascii ribbon campaign stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org