On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 12:45:58PM +0200, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
On Sun, 05 Jul 2009 12:09:34 +0200 Gerhard Brauer <gerbra@archlinux.de> wrote:
some notes on the upcoming snapshot (mostly my thoughts, but i guess Dieter would agree in general):
* We plan definitely to have a new final snapshot(ISO/USB-Images) ready before and to be present on FrosCon (23./23. August 2009). I hope so ! :)
* It will have kernel 2.6.30 (99% the Maybe we could handle this in general: If we make new snapshots with a new kernel, we wait until first upstream bugfix release. I wouldn't explicitly wait on that. but if core/kernel-26 gets updated with patches before we do the release, then we should rebuild the iso's.
* It will have aif as installer. Dieter and myself (and others too!) have done IMHO good work on aif. Our (private) test ISOs shows that the combination 2.6.30 and aif work without bigger problems now.
* Next or next-by-one week we were able to present Beta (or better RCx images), so they could be tested by You.
Some additions: - We have a list of bugs pending for this release http://bugs.archlinux.org/roadmap/proj6, including one bug and one feature request for aif i still need to take care of
- We ignored NILFS until now. (nilfs = FS optimized for flash storage). Nilfs is still listed as "experimental" in make menuconfig (but there are modules already for it in Arch) so it would be cool if we could include experimental support, but if we run out of time we can delay this, imho. (anyone interested in this? this would be a nice thing to contribute!)
- Aaron has provided us a server on which we can build images and serve them directly. This is quite useful and will decrease the duration of "build-upload-test" cycles imho.
dieter NILFS2 & BTRFS disk formats are not finalized yet . When you mount a NILFS2 partition , you get those warnings :
"WARNING! - The NILFS on-disk format may change at any time." "WARNING! - Do not place critical data on a NILFS filesystem."